Hi, I’m Lyndsey.

You can call me Lyns. I love helping women go from being over committed, under nurtured, train wrecks to happy AF. No really, I do.

I’ve been where you are and I wanted a different way. I wanted ease, flow, to be present with my family and feel like I was enough.

I found a way to have success without stress. You can be all the things without sacrificing. I want to show you how.


this is important so pay attention…

There is magic that happens when a woman gets clear on what is and is not working in her life. When she defines what she wants and has the tools to step into that life with intention, heart and ease.


sounds pretty good, right?

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I’m insanely passionate about you (not in a creepy way) just in the I’m your cheerleader sort of way. If you want to dig into my programs and see what’s for you…


If you want to read a smidge more about me…

catch up with my favorites

New here? These are a few of my favs!

Talking teepees, tunes + all the silly things that make me me!

Breaking down how to start a new class with total confidence inside and out.

Discover the 1 topic I go over with every client to maximize success