Is This One Mistake Sabotaging Your Workouts?
Before we go any further (don’t cheat and scroll down) I want you to look back at the last 24 hours and take a mental note of what you say to yourself about yourself. Go ahead I’ll wait…..
Got it, ok perfect now let’s chat self talk because I bet if we are being really honest it’s not pretty.
Truth is, negative self talk is an all too common and major mistake that just might be the #1 thing that is keeping you from your fitness goals (or any other life, relationship, work goals for that matter). This topic is so important to me that I literally teach all about it as my first topic in my Beyond the Body course but I believe its so essential everyone needs a reminder to bring awareness to how they are speaking to themselves.
Imagine this…
You go to your favorite workout class, on-time, you even managed to not spill coffee or smoothie or both on you while rushing to get to class, you didn’t forget your mat, you even feel cute in your outfit but you get into class and your little self-talk maniac starts gabbing at you like this…
Good thing I’m here, I really need this. I am going to crush this workout. Oh lord when did my ass start looking like that? I got this. Oh, her top is cute… her legs are nice too. I wish I had legs like hers then maybe I’d look less like an oompa loopma and more like Giselle over there. Must be nice! I can’t do these moves. Is everyone watching me? I look like an idiot. Everyone is watching me. I better stop bitching and work harder, I am so disgusting. When did I get so weak? Omg is that an armpit roll? Wtf! Wow these planks are killing me. I’m so pathetic. This teacher is satan’s helper. Wow, thank goodness we are almost done. I think I died… Phewww I made it!
Can we take a minute to circle the negative comments above? It’s at least 10 negatives, maybe more. And the sad part is, I think we can all relate in some way to the above scenario. I mean, you are a beautiful, wonderful, bad ass and you go workout to do something great for yourself and instead pick yourself apart.
What good is working out if all you do is focus on your armpit fat and shit talk yourself? Ok besides the obvious heart health, lean muscle mass blah, blah, blah.
If you spend every workout telling yourself a ton of negative things guess what your body hears and responds to? The negative things! What we think, we create. BOOM.
So now imagine this… You go to same class, feeling cute, clean and on time. You workout and every single time you start to compare yourself to someone else, judge yourself, make snarky comments or feel less than you repeat silently to yourself, “I am strong. I am lean. I love my body.” No one can deny that this 10-word mantra is a hell of a lot more uplifting and motivating than the trash talk above, right?
I am strong. I am lean. I love my body.
So, are you guilty of the negative self talk? I am and if you’ve worked with me before you know my story, I use to be so mean to myself. I used negative self-talk as my motivation technique. Needless to say once I realized my bad habit and retrained my thoughts my body finally responded and I overcame some serious plateaus.
What do you say we clean up your internal potty mouth and make your next workout a total rainbow and butterfly situation? I knew you’d be in!
It’s time for you to create a 100% positive mantra. One that you know will uplift you even on the worst days, one that will keep your head and heart up no matter what. It has to be good enough to kick ass when you are 90 seconds deep on a plank or just reaching for mile 3, got it?
The 4 Must Have’s of a Killer Mantra:
110% positive: no words like “try”
Zero Judgment
Totally inspiring to you! Whatever gets you going in the right direction is what I want to see.
Fist pump worthy
Mantras that work:
I got this!
I am a goddess. A powerhouse.
I am AMAZING (fist pump)
I am grateful for my body
I am peaceful af
I am strong + lean
I am MORE than enough
I feel amazing in my body
Put your mantra to work…
Every time you catch yourself thinking something negative stop the thought and repeat your mantra.
Write it on a sticky or 10 and put it everywhere to see.
Set a reminder in your phone that pops up, nothing like an “ I got this” reminder at 3pm every day.
Repeat repeat repeat. Like all day, during your entire workout just repeat it
OK, what’s your mantra? Having trouble? No worries, I can help. Hit me up. I love this stuff, like geek out, sticky notes everywhere L.O.V.E. making mantras or affirmations.
You got this babe!
Ready to Make some major changes?
Let’s work together
Invest in yourself. If what you are doing isn’t working, if you are tired and truly just can’t get it together, I am your girl and I’d love to see how we can work together.
I want you to succeed. I want you to never feel alone or lost again. To be confident and to live life intentionally and empowered.