The Truth About Self-Care + Why You May Be Better At It Than You Think


Friends, self-care is not just an image on Instagram of some unrealistic bathtub loaded with flowers (does anyone really take baths like that? No, no we don’t right?) Self-care is essential but I feel like it is frequently talked about but never defined. Anyone else? To me, self care is anything you do to take care of you, anything you do that is 110% FOR YOU. That is why I like to call it Me Time, because it’s my freaking time. Truth is we all need to hit the pause button, to set aside time to breathe, unwind and find center again and how we do it can look different for everyone especially when you give, give, give and rarely take time for you.

Before you start making excuses let’s get one thing straight,

Self care does not require a lot of time or money

and I bet you already do at least one act of me-time a week without even knowing it.

I know what you are thinking, Lyns I don’t have time for a massage and a facial is too expensive. Guess what? Working out, yoga, eating clean, setting boundaries and not over scheduling, meditation, prayer, journaling, cooking, reading a magazine, cruising Anthropologie (because that store is legit my therapy, can I move in?), gardening, hiking, drinks with girlfriends, wine alone, a hot bath, buying yourself flowers just because, breathing, napping… these are all examples of me-time aka ways in which we can and should totally be taking care of our selves without spending much time or money.

I mean hell, as a mom with two little I count my daily shower as me time! See I told you, you totally do at least one tiny bit of me-time once in a while.

Good Me-Time is doing something 110% for yourself and being present when you do the thing.

Until very recently I worked out because “I had to” you know to keep it all tight, to maintain strength, and because of my career. Then one day it dawned on me, I actually like working out, I like the way I feel after ward but I really LOVE the 20-60 minutes of total check out time, time where I am not thinking of a million things, trying to keep a toddler alive or even talking to someone else.

My workouts and yoga have turned into my best time alone, my best time to meditate, to connect with myself and to get some mental clarity. It is my time to be present, be happy and show up for myself.

Still feel like you have no time for anything?

You are not alone. Taking time for yourself doesn’t even need to be an event or a class. It can be as simple as shifting your mindset. Start being intentional throughout your day to stop and simply be in the moment. Take a minute to stand in the kitchen drinking coffee before rushing to get ready, drive in silence and practice just being present, pause to enjoy a hug from your honey at the end of the day. These are all ways you can show up and consciously enjoy my life, enjoy some me time.

Make the choice to slow down, to breathe, to be present, to feel gratitude.

Pro Tip: Sneak it in throughout the day so you have many small moments of OMG, this is great.

And if you find that you go all week without doing anything for yourself at all, today is the day to start. What ways are you already taking time for you? How do you practice self-care? I’d love to know!





MindsetLyndsey Chambers