Anxiety Sucks But Your Life Doesn't Have To
Alright friends we are talking about anxiety and trust me I have had my share of anxiety. If I’m being honest my anxiety has actually helped me several times and been my guide. So instead of hating it I appreciate the lessons I have learned through my anxiety which brings me to my topic today…
What if your anxiety didn't suck?
What if you could look back at alllll the anxiety over the years and pull out themes, consistent patterns and not only say, hey thanks body for this very effect red flag I have ignored, medicated, suppressed and hated but also start to learn from it all.
I believe that anxiety is one way your body, (with the help of your guides/angels/God) has been trying to give you some valuable ah-ha moments.
Listen, I know you are like, "Lyns you're nuts," but stay with me.
Think of a time you knew deep down you did not want to do something… a trip, a responsibility or that baby shower you committed to throwing knowing full well you did not want to. That relationship you stayed in for wayyyy too long, even though they were not right for you and every cell was saying stop but you kept going.
Then you spent night after night, encounter after encounter, stressed, unhappy, miserable and dare I say anxious.
Or maybe you were not anxious yet. Maybe instead you didn't sleep well ever. So you drank more coffee to handle your life, ignored your inner thoughts b/c you were super busy, drank more wine to suppress the stress i.e. “relax” after a long day at the job you hate and then made excuses for the POS guy you were dating but couldn't leave.
Then this repeats for years. Add on more “should” situations, more commitments and do you see any common themes?
I do! How about these:
Denying your true voice
Ignoring your intuition
Sacrificing yourself, your wellbeing, health and happiness for others or for things that do not really bring you joy.
Taking on way too much on when all you really want is a day off
Your body is screaming for you to listen, maybe it’s physical health or mental health or both. My anxiety comes in several different forms; waking up late at night in total fear + feet on fire + heart racing, an inability to breathe deeply, racing thoughts all day, hypochondria around food allergies, emotional eating of too much chocolate, feeling unsupported and spiraling into a hot mess.
I don't know what your anxiety looks or feels like but anxiety can be a beautiful invitation to pay attention.
So today I invite you to...
Slow down
Pay attention
Think back over your anxiety and see what themes come up.
Take a few minutes to journal with these questions:
What are the triggers for your anxiety?
How does your anxiety manifests or feel in your body?
What themes can you see or patterns relating to you anxiety, triggers + your lifestyle?
Your anxiety does not have to define you or hold you back. What would you do if you were free from it all? How can you give thanks to your anxiety + begin to let it go?
You may also want to catch THIS ANXIETY IGTV over on the gram to hear more about anxiety.
All my love,